Thursday, 22 March 2012

Attraction Marketing - Earning Lifetime Customers and Credibility

Marketing Tips | 03:14 |

The term attraction marketing refers to no single definition of it but to the whole concept of product selling in a unique, attractive and an interesting way. We can understand this term better by comparing the attraction marketing with traditional marketing that we have been watching taking place since long time.
We have been experiencing traditional selling taking place around us where the seller or the marketer starts the process with interacting with the prospect buyer and making cold calls in order to find the leads. Sometimes, they strike upon the needy clients who have urgency to purchase the product or services based on their personal requirement.

During the entire concept of this traditional marketing, the sales representative is constantly trying to present the product and/or services in best of their capacity and with superior presentation. The scenario is like; the prospects resist purchasing of the services or products while the marketing agents try their utmost best to sell off by being persistent and pushy. They really have to work hard to convince their prospective buyers to make the purchase by overcoming their protestation. This way, the more the marketer tries to sell, the more it is resisted by the prospective buyer. Here comes the difference between this conventional way of selling and the attraction marketing. In the new system, the marketing is no more done forcefully because neither buyer nor seller wants to be told to purchase or sell respectively.

This new marketing strategy has completely eliminated the old and persistent method of marketing where all one did was to learn the objection handling of buyers for being a good marketer. No more the cold calls, the quirky interruptions, the never-ending advertising and continual prospecting. This new method of marketing is slicker and lot more affective. This new marketing technique renders freedom to the buyer as well as seller and strengthens their mutual relationship.
The concept of this new way of marketing a business is based on the fundamental of catering to niche customers who are empowered and sensitive in their approach. The contemporary buyer has more choices to his disposal and thus is spoiled and pampered. The modern buyer likes to be selective in his selling and trust only those sellers who, he thinks, cares about him. They love to buy or shop for their needs when the whole shopping concept is fun filled and enjoyable to their expectations.

If we look around the brand scenario, the concept of attraction marketing is very intelligently applied. When we visit any store or a brand boutique, we see appealing interiors, enticing ambiance and well behaved staff. The buyers enjoy being present there in such pleasant ambiance where no one jostles them to make a purchase or make a conscious effort to advertise the products or services. The congenial staff of the store works innately hard on serving the buyer to make him have a pleasurable experience. They are smart enough to realize that more the buyer will feel attracted the more he will make up his mind to buy his picks.
This is what the attraction marketing is all about. It does not concentrate on making buyer click a sale but on establishing a mutual bond with the customer for the life time.

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